JASO 1970-1975

Editorial Note

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  Levy-Bruhl's theory of primitive mentality  39-60

Allan Hanson  Understanding in philosophical anthropology  61-70

Paul Heelas  A defence of Winch [comment on F. A. Hanson's article 'Understanding in philosophical anthropology', with a reply by F. A. Hanson]  71-81

Wendy James  Are 'primitives' necessary?  82-3

Mike Maguire  The 'free competition of thought': a critique  84-90

Andrew Lyons  The genesis of scientific racism, including some thoughts on scholarly works produced in the years 1774-1775  91-100

Book Reviews



J. H. M. Beattie  Has social anthropology a future?  111-120

Gordon Geekie  The interpretation of Ndembu ritual action  121-9

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  John Millar, 1735-1801  131-3

J.E.A. Tonkin  The use of ethnography  134-6

Peter Coates  Problems of paradigm discrimination  137-45

Paul Heelas  'The odd philosopher'  146-52

Book Reviews  153-4

Michael Crick  Max Muller  1-13
E. E. Evans-Pritchard  Adam Ferguson, 1723-1816  14-23
Drid Williams  Signs, symptoms and symbols  24-32
Lucy Mair  Recent writing on witchcraft  33-41
Mark Aston  An aspect of Bougle's sociologism  43-50
Book Reviews  51-2

Editorial Note

Ruth Finnegan  Anthropologists and the sociology of literature:an example from the study of epic  53-66

Nigel Barley  Anglo-Saxon magico-medicine  67-76

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696-1782)  77-80

N.J. Allen  The vertical dimension in Thulung classification  81-94

Malcolm McLeod  Review article [on 'Social anthropology and language', edited by E. Ardener]  95-100

Book Reviews  103-4

Editorial Note

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  Condorcet (1743-1794)  105-9

Andrew C. Theophanous  Social meaning and the conditions for its possibility  110-24

Edwin Ardener  Language, ethnicity and population  125-32

Paul Heelas  Expressing the inexpressible: don Juan and the limits formal analysis  133-48

Randal Keynes  Review article [on 'Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: a regional comparative study', by A. Macfarlane, and 'Religion and the decline of magic', by K. Thomas]  149-57

Book Reviews 158-60

Cummulative Index Vols. 1/1 - 3/3

Editorial Note

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  Some reminiscences and reflections on fieldwork  1-12

Joan Leopold  Tylor's solar sixpence  13-16

Malcolm Crick  Two styles in the study of witchcraft  17-31

Jonathan Webber  Review article [on 'Language use and social change', edited by W.H. Whiteley]  32-41

John Rogerson  Social anthropology and the Old Testament: present, past and future  42-50

Book Reviews  51-8

Editorial Note

E. E. Evans-Pritchard  The intellectualist (English) interpretation of magic  123-42

Lawrence C. Melton  Is belief possible?  143-51

Edwin Ardener  'Behaviour': a social anthropological criticism  152-4

Wendy James  Illusions of freedom: a comment on Barth's individuals  155-67

Brian V. Street  "In the shadow of the Golden bough": in response to Lienhardt [comment on 'Anthropology and contemporary literature', by G. Lienhardt]  168-75

Malcolm Crick  Some reflections on the decennial A.S.A. conference  176-9

Paul Heelas  Review article [on 'Modes of thought', edited by R. Horton and R. Finnegan]  180-4

Book Reviews  185-91

Index Vol. 4/1-3

Editorial Note

Kirsten Hastrup  The sexual boundary-purity: hetero-sexuality and virginity  137-47

Mike Taylor  The consciousness of consciousness  148-50

Jan Ovesen  The metaphor/metonym distinction: a comment on Campbell  ['Tristes tropes: Levi-Strauss and the impoverishment of metaphor' by A. Campbell]  151-4

Martin Cantor  "The mind-forg'd manacles": Castaneda in the world of don Juan  155-72

Charlotte Hardman  Children in the playground  173-88

M.G. Whisson  Review article [Race, by J.R. Baker]  189-94

Book Reviews  195-201

Index Vol. 5/1-3

Editorial Note

Tim Jenkins  Althusser's philosophy  1-17

Harriet Sibisi  Some notions of 'purity' and 'impurity among the Zulu  18-29

Keith Patching  Semantic fields and social change: the concept gnek in Tangu  30-41

Kirsten Hastrup  The sexual boundary-danger: transvestism and homosexuality  42-56

Brian Street  Anthropology outside the classroom  57-67

Helen Callaway  Review article [on 'African women in towns: an aspect of Africa's social revolution' by K. Little]  68-73

Book Reviews  74-78

Editorial Note

Martin Thom  The unconscious structured like a language  79-105

Malcolm Crick  Ethology, language, and the study of human action  106-18

Mike Taylor  Linguistics to social anthropology: the problem of theory  119-28

Judith Okely  Review article [Gypsies: the hidden Americans by A. Sutherland]  129-30

Book Reviews  131-6

Editorial Note

Philip Kreager  Notes for a study of fertility  137-52

Roger Just  Conceptions of women in classical Athens  153-70

Judith Okely  The self and scientism  171-88

Jonathan Webber  Formulating a linguistic analogy for society 189-212

Paul Dresch  Review article [on 'Marxist analyses and social anthropology', edited by M. Bloch]  213-7

Book Reviews  218-20

Index Vol. 6/1-3