
Here at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography many of the team are fascinated by bodies, be that evolutionary adaptations in primates, keeping our bodies healthy or how our bodies are treated after death.


The Surprising Benefit of Exercising with Friends

Dr Arran Davis explores the physical and social benefits of exercising with others in this new BBC Ideas film.

The surprising benefits of exercising with friends


Find out more about the research behind this film


Publications from members of staff

Explore a range of publications from that touch on the human body. These publications are by current members of staff at the School but some may have been published whilst they were at other institutions.

Some journals my require a subscription.

Do people who move together bond together?

Do people who move together bond together?


Group exercise builds stronger bonds - stronger bonds build fitter teams! Find out more about the work of the Social Body Lab in this video.