Zhixuan Huang

zhixuan huang

Zhixuan (Gloria) Huang

DPhil Student

Wolfson College

Thesis: Museums, the Digital and Internet Culture: Transformations in the museum spaces of contemporary China (working title)

Research: My research focuses on art museums in China, attempting a systematic analysis on the dynamics among digital technology, social media and culture through a museum-focused lens. Specifically, it aims to answer questions regarding the emerging digital practices within museums and its institutional and individual consequences, in tandem with an exploration of its potential in the future.

Research interests: Museum Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Museum Studies, Material and Visual Culture, Audience Studies

Previous Education

B.A. in Archaeology (with honors), Sichuan University
M.A. in Museum Anthropology, Columbia University

Professional Experience: With a deep passion for the museum sector, I’ve served various roles in the industry. During my maters’ study at Columbia, I worked as a research assistant at the anthropology department of the American Museum of Natural History. And I was also an exhibition interpretive strategist in leading international exhibit design companies in New York and Shanghai successively.

Email: zhixuan.huang@wolfson.ox.ac.uk
