Research Affiliate
Scott Lash is a sociologist and (co-)author of The End of Organized Capitalism, Sociology of Postmodernism, Economies of Signs and Space (with John Urry), Reflexive Modernization (with Ulrich Beck), Another Modernity, A Different Rationality, Critique of Information, Global Culture Industry, China Constructing Capitalism (with Michael Keith) and Experience.
With a PhD from London School of Economics, he was Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University and then founder Director of The Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. Scott has taught (in Mandarin) at Nanjing University and Shanghai University. He is invited to teach at the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing. Scott has been PI on various ESRC grants. He has been a core editor of Theory, Culture & Society from 1994. His co-edited special issue of TCS Against Ontology: François Jullien and Chinese Thought will appear in February 2023. Scott is finishing the book Infrastructure Power: Culture and Logistics in China to be published later in 2023. He is co-editing a special issue on Logistics and Ecology for TCS to be published end of 2023. He has researched mobilities since Economies of Signs and Space and now on Chinese logistics. This understands China in terms of a ‘biome politics’. Of bio-geological carrying on into cultural forms of life. This informs an a large research funding proposal initiative he is helping coordinate on ‘terramorphosis’.