Dr Paul Dresch

Emeritus Fellow

South Arabia, Arab Gulf, arabic-speaking Middle East, literate tradition, modernity, comparative histriography.

Dr Dresch retired from the School at the end of October 2013.



2006, Paul Dresch, The Rules of Barat: tribal documents from Yemen, Sanaa, Sana'a: Centre Français d’Archaeologie et et de Sciences Sociales, Deutsche Archaeologisches Institut.

2000, Paul Dresch, A History of Modern Yemen, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

1989, Paul Dresch, Tribes, Government, and History in Yemen, Clarendon Press: Oxford.

Edited Books

2012, Paul Dresch and Hannah Skoda (eds), Legalism: Anthropology and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2005, Paul Dresch and James Piscatori (eds), Monarchies and Nations: Globalisation and Identity in the Arab states of the Gulf, IB Tauris: London.

2001, Paul Dresch, Paul Bonte and Edouard Conte (eds), Emirs et Présidents: structures de la parenté et du politique en pays d'islam, CNRS: Paris.

2000, Paul Dresch, Wendy James and David Parkin (eds), Anthropologists in a Wider World: Essays on Fieldwork, Berghahn: Oxford.

Contributions to books

2012, Paul Dresch, ‘Aspects of Non-State Law: Early Yemen and "Perpetual Peace"’, In Paul Dresch and Hannah Skoda (eds) Legalism: Anthropology and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2010, Paul Dresch, ‘Arabia to the end of the First World War’, In F.H. Robinson (ed.) The New Cambridge History of Islam Vol 5: The Islamic World in the Age of Western Dominance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-153.

2006, Paul Dresch, ‘Foreign Matter: The Place of Strangers in Gulf society’, In J. Fox, N. Mourtada-Sabah and M al-Mutawa (eds) Globalization and the Arab Gulf, London: Routledge, pp. 200-222.

2000, Paul Dresch and Wendy James, ‘Fieldwork and the passage of time’, In Paul Dresch, Wendy James and David Parkin (eds) Anthropologists in a Wider World, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1-26.

1999, Paul Dresch, ‘Proche orient: domaine arabe’, In P.Bonte and C. Izard (eds) Dictionnaire de l’anthropologie et de l’ethnologie, PUF: Paris, pp. 809-811.

1998, Paul Dresch, ‘Mutual Deception: Totality, Exchange, and Islam in the Middle East’, In W.James and N. Allen (eds) Marcel Mauss: A Centenary Tribute, Berghahn: Oxford and New York, pp. 111-33.

1995, Paul Dresch, ‘Race, Culture and -- What? Some Pluralist Certainties in the United States’, In W. James (ed.) The Pursuit of Certainty (ASA Decennial volume), Routledge: London and NY, 1995, pp. 61-91.

1991, Paul Dresch, ‘Imams and Tribes: The Writing and Acting of History in Upper Yemen’, In P. Khoury and J. Kostiner (eds) Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, U. of California Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles, pp. 252-287.


2009, Paul Dresch, ‘Les mots et les choses: L'identité tribale en Arabie’, Études rurales 184 (juillet-décembre), pp. 185-202.

2003, Paul Dresch, ‘A Pact of Brotherhood from Sufyân (Northern Yemen)’, Chroniques Yéménites 10, pp. 49-59.

1995, Paul Dresch and Bernard Haykel, ‘Stereotypes and Political Styles: Fundamentalists and Tribesfolk in Yemen’, International Journal of Middle East Studies 27 (4), pp. 405-31.

1995, Paul Dresch, ‘A Fragment of the Yemeni Past: Ali Nāsir Al-Qardaī and the Shabwah Incident’, Journal of Arabic Literature 26 (3), pp. 232-54.

1993, Paul Dresch, ‘A Daily Plebiscite: Nation and State in Yemen’, Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditerranée 67 (1), pp. 67-77.

1992, Paul Dresch, ‘Ethnography and General Theory, or People versus Humankind’, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 23 (1), pp. 17-36.

1990, Paul Dresch, ‘Guaranty of the Market at Huth’, Arabian Studies VIII, pp. 63-91.

1987, Paul Dresch, ‘Placing the Blame: A Means of Enforcing Obligations in Upper Yemen’, Anthropos 4 (6), pp. 427-443.

1986, Paul Dresch, ‘The Significance of the Course Events Take in Segmentary Systems’, American Ethnologist 13 (2), pp. 309-324.