2017–2021: Research Council Grant
PEAK Urban
Principal Investigator: Michael Keith
The PEAK Urban programme aims to build skilled capacity for decision making on urban futures by: i) generating new research grounded in the logic of urban complexity, and ii) fostering new leaders that draw on different disciplinary perspectives to address the challenges found in the 21st century city.
The more than 40 research projects within the PEAK Urban programme will address four general questions:
- What do the traditions of modelling, institutional analysis and ethnography say, individually and collectively, about Prediction and projection in the city?
- How, in each city and across all geographical contexts, have socio-material systems generated new forms and structures to create an Emergent urbanism?
- How have distinct scientific conventions and the city as a whole Adopted knowledge that combines insights from different knowledge traditions?
- How does the PEAK platform maximise Knowledge exchange to build capacity in cities, nations and the multilateral system to deal with prediction and projection, with emergent urbanisms of socio material systems and with the imperative to adopt interdisciplinary knowledge?
Project website: www.peak-urban.org