
Forms for transfers, confirmations, suspensions and extensions of status, change of supervisor etc. are found on the University Graduate Forms page.

GSO (Graduate Studies Office) numbers can normally be found in the top right-hand corner of the first page of the form.

Please note: a number of these previously paper-based forms have now been replaced by on-line applications available via Student Self Service and the links have been updated accordingly. In other cases the form requires physical completion and submission to the SAME office or as indicated on the form.

The student is primarily responsible for filling the form at the appropriate times and in the appropriate circumstances, as well as for making sure that it is signed by the whole range of individuals or authorities indicated (usually self, as well as the current or new supervisor, the college, the director of graduate studies, and possibly others as indicated). Once the form is complete, it should be submitted electronically or in the case of those not available in electronic version, returned to the SAME general office. Copies will then be filed locally and the originals sent by the Course Administrator to GSO.

NB: the ‘student number' (OSS number) on these forms is not the University card number (always a seven-figure number beginning with ‘2') but the number of your student record. It usually consists of from four to six figures and may start with any number. It is the number found on student report forms, and it is also entered by GAO on the original application forms. If in doubt, ask in the ISCA general office or leave blank.

SAME internal forms

Feedback forms for taught courses
Feedback form can be downloaded here.

Training Needs Analysis form
The TNA form can be downloaded from this website (SSO required)

Fieldwork and Ethics information and forms
Fieldwork and Ethics forms to be filled in well ahead of travel and fieldwork can be downloaded here.