Tuina推拿 (Massage) Techniques for Pushing and Grasping the Qi

周华芝Zhou Huazhi graduated from the Medical Department of Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in July 1988. After graduation, he engaged in clinical and teaching work in the First Affiliated Hospital of the Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During his student years, he studied with Professor Chen Zhonghe and Professor He Junmin to learn the theory and techniques of spine-related diseases. Over 35 years of clinical work, he has never stopped his research and practice on the theory and therapeutic techniques of spine-related diseases. Since May 2005, he has been engaged in the clinical work of TCM general practice and spinal -related diseases treatment. So far, he has had unique insights in the research of spinal holography and spinal holistic view, and original spinal holography abdominal acupuncture therapy. He is currently head of Continuing Education of Dan Huang TCM Academy and editor of the Journal of Chinese Medicine in the UK.

ArgO-EMR Seminars Hilary 2024

Wednesdays at 2pm of Weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7 in the Pauling Centre, 58a Banbury Road, and on MS Teams

Theme: Qi energetics in Chinese medicine

Convened by Elisabeth Hsu and Wang Yangzihan