The Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024
Dr Saibu Mutaru (Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana)
Theme: ‘Naming the Witch, Housing the Witch, and Living with Witchcraft: An Ethnography of Ordinary Lives in Northern Ghana’s “Witch Camps”’
Tuesday 30 April (Week 2): ‘Witchcraft, “Witch Camps”, and Social Life in Northern Ghana’
Tuesday 7 May (Week 3): ‘Witchcraft, Shrines, and Tindaanship’
Tuesday 14 May (Week 4): ‘“Witches” and the Humanitarian World: NGOs, Churches, and the State’
Tuesday 21 May (Week 5): ‘Living in “Witch Camps”: Experiences of Accused Witches and the Moral Economy of Songsim’
All lectures will take place at 5 pm in the Old Library, All Souls College, and on Teams (links on the All Souls College website)
Open to the public, all welcome.