ERC – Starting Grants 2023

The 2023 European Research Council Starting Grant Call is open on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal with a funder deadline of 25 October 2022. The European Research Council aims to "provide attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators and their research teams to pursue groundbreaking, high-gain/high-risk research. Research funded by the ERC is expected to lead to advances at the frontiers of knowledge and to set a clear and inspirational target for frontier research across Europe".

Starting Grants will support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Applicants must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their scientific proposal. The ERC actions are open to researchers of any nationality, within 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, who intend to conduct their research activity in any EU Member State or Associated Country. Principal Investigators may be of any age and nationality and may reside in any country in the world at the time of the application. 

Prospective applicants to the 2023 Starting Grant Call should note that the ERC is aiming to change the PhD reference date for the calculation of the eligibility period from the date of the actual award according to the national rules of the country where the degree was awarded to the date of the successful PhD defence. Whenever the PhD certificate does not show the PhD defence date, applicants should provide a written confirmation from the awarding institution stating the said date.



SAME Expression of Interest Stage

SAME holds an internal competition to decide which application(s) will be put forward under the scheme. If you intend to apply, please send the following materials to by 12pm on Monday 8 August 2022:


  • An outline of your proposed project (no more than 3 pages A4, Arial font size 11), briefly covering the following headings:
  • Proposal Abstract (no more than 2000 characters)
  • Research Context
  • Objectives and Methodology
  • Timetable
  • Dissemination and Impact


  • Summary CV (no more than 2 pages A4, Arial font size 11) demonstrating eligibility for the scheme.
  • As part of your covering email, please indicate which primary ERC evaluation panel you intend to apply to, and a secondary panel if appropriate. For the full list of panels and keywords, please see Annex 4.1 in this pdf information sheet.


Please indicate in the subject line your name and "ERC -STG 2023". Please note that there will be additional internal deadlines for any candidate invited to submit a full application.

Information about the scheme is available on the ERC website and on the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal (search for ERC-2023-STG).

Requests for further information are welcome at