Here, there and everywhere: some thoughts on the ‘prehistory’ of ethnographic film

Link to join the seminar on Teams

The first half of the twentieth century was a period of vast social and cultural change across the globe, arguably greater than in any equivalent period since. Whilst anthropologists produced many detailed textual accounts of societies that were shortly to be radically transformed by these processes, their visual accounts were very modest. They produced relatively few photographs and even fewer films. Fortunately, there were many other film-makers who produced accounts of this period, for a range of different motives. If critically examined, these films can now provide a sort of visual ethnography by default for this most important period of human history.

This seminar will draw on The Silent Time Machine, a Leverhulme-funded research project carried out in 2014-2018. See

Pitt Rivers Museum Research Seminar in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology, Trinity 2021

Online on Teams (the link is above)

Fridays, 12pm-1.30pm (Weeks 1-3) and at 5pm in Week 4

Convened by Dolores Martinez